Saturday, May 30, 2009

Raising Money for Guatemala Mission Trip...

I started painting several years ago. For me, it was a way to deal with the death of someone close to me. At the time, I had no intention of sharing my art with anyone else. As time went on, I began to love painting.

My friend Lisa began photographing my art for me. One day, a lady at the photo lab wanted my Harvest Painting for her home. She said, she had just been waiting for the print to be picked up so she could see who had created it. It was then, that I began to see that other people might be blessed and encouraged by what I paint. Each painting has a prayer or prophetic word on the back of it that you will receive when you purchase cards.

Currently, what I have available are postcards(with envelopes), they can be mailed exactly like a regular card. Some people have chosen to frame the larger postcards and use them for art. In the future, you will see prints, canvas, styrene mounts, and other types of stationary available for purchase.

This initial sale of the postcards is to assist me in raising money for my mission trip to Guatemala this summer. The trip is in August. I plan to use the funds for my ticket over as well as to buy art supplies for the children in the orphanage.

Thank you for supporting ART Simply by Nicole. Keep checking back for more of my art to be posted.

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